Research Priority Area
Systems Biology
Host-Microbiome Interactions

Adult neurogenesis in Volkskrant

Can the adult brain still make new brain cells? Volkskrant features an extensive article about this question still under discussion in the field. One of the interviewed experts is Paul Lucassen (Brain Plasticity Group).

Contribute to the NL_Wetenschap Twitter account

The @NL_Wetenschap Twitter account has been around since 2018. Every week a different scientist takes the spotlight to explain about their research and answer questions from followers. The organizers are currently working on the 2023 planning and are looking for researchers that want to tweet from NL_Wetenschap (preferably in Dutch, but depending on submissions English…
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Website holomicrobiome is online

We are happy to announce that the website of the Dutch National Growth Fund initiative ‘Holomicrobiome’ is online: The website informs and challenges companies and institutes to participate in this initiative.

New paper on mixotrophy in sponges by Meggie Hudspith

The ability of organisms to combine autotrophy and heterotrophy gives rise to one of the most successful nutritional strategies on Earth: mixotrophy.

NWA-ORC funding for consortium to unravel novel biomarkers for skin diseases.

A large consortium has received NWA-ORC funds for the research project Next Generation Immuno-Dermatology (NGID), with a prestigious grant of 11.7 million Euros. NGID is a nationwide, large-scale project to unravel novel biomarkers for six different skin diseases. These biomarkers will drive a high-tech, patient-centric approach in clinical practice. Connected researchers for the UvA are…
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NWA-ORC funding for consortium aiming to prevent overweight and tooth decay.

A large consortium has received NWA-ORC funds of 10 million euros for the project METAHEALTH: Health in a microbial, sociocultural and care context in the first 1000 days of life. Four researchers from the Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences from the UvA will contribute as part of the large consortium. Connected researchers for the UvA…
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Review paper on the role of the oral immune system in oropharyngeal candidiasis-facilitated invasion and dissemination of Staphylococcus aureus

Raymond Pasman and co-workers recently published the review paper (below) in which they provide an overview of relevant aspects of intra and extra-epithelial oral immunity and discuss predominant immune deficiencies expected to facilitate C. albicans induced S. aureus BSIs.

HotTopic Symposium: Computational Immunology

On December 1st, 2021 BioSB organizes a HotTopic Symposium focusing on the highly interesting topic “Computational Immunology” and its application in immune responses of challenging diseases. The meeting will be organized at the VU University in Amsterdam. We’ve invited a number of experts to speak about utilizing and advancing Computational Immunology. Join us and participate…
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New review paper: Role of serotonine in the gut.

In this review paper by Nienke Koopman, Drosos Katsavelis, Stanley Brul and collaborators from the AMC the multifaceted role of serotonin within the gut is discussed. Besides its well-known function as neurotransmitter, serotonin, also called 5-HT, plays a role in intestinal homeostasis by interacting with immune cells, epithelial cells and even the microbiota. In this…
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Mathematical Biology in Microbiota

Online event in the FFU Conversation Series lecture on Friday 17 September 2021 | 14.30- 16.00 h (CET). Read more in the embedded pdf file below.